Philips take pride in the recipes that are selected to be paired up with our range of kitchen appliances. See our recipe for Saltimbocca - Veal Rolls with Sage here.
Število obrokov4 persons,Čas priprave:15 minutes,Čas kuhanja:15 minutes
Preheat the airfryer to 200°C. Boil the meat stock and the wine in a wide pan on medium heat until it has reduced to one-third of the original amount.
Sprinkle salt and pepper on the cutlets and cover them with the sage leaves. Firmly roll the cutlets and wrap a slice of ham around each cutlet.
Thinly brush the entire cutlets with butter and place them in the basket. Slide the basket into the airfryer and set the timer to 10 minutes. Roast the veal rolls until nicely brown.
Lower the temperature to 150°C and set the timer to 5 minutes. Roast the rolls until done. Mix the remainder of the butter with the reduced stock and season the gravy with salt and pepper.
Thinly slice the veal rolls and serve them with the gravy. Tasty with tagliatelle and green beans.
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