Noodles with chicken, glasswort and Shiitake mushrooms
Philips take pride in the recipes that are selected to be paired up with our range of kitchen appliances. See our recipe for Noodles with chicken, glasswort and Shiitake mushrooms here.
Cut the chicken into pieces and make a marinade of soy sauce, sambal and garlic. Mix the marinade with the chicken and leave to infuse.
Prepare the noodles according to the packaging and drain. Then mix with one tablespoon of sesame oil.
Heat the Airfryer to 200 degrees. Cook the chicken for 6 minutes at 200 degrees and give it a good few shakes. Add the mushrooms, onion, bean sprouts and glasswort and cook for 5 minutes. Add the noodles, cook these together with the vegetables and chicken for another 5 minutes. Add the krupuk with one minute left to go.
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