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Philips serije 5400
Popolnoma samodejni espresso kavni aparati

Informacije o izdelku
EP5447/90 Philips serije 5400 Popolnoma samodejni espresso kavni aparati

Izkoristite vse možnosti izdelka

How to install and use the Philips Espresso EP5400 series
Support movie How to install and use the Philips EP5400 series
Support movie how to remove and insert the brew group out the Philips 5400 series
How to remove and insert the brew group Philips 5400 Espresso series
Movie that explains how to clean the several parts of the Philips 5400 Espresso series
How to clean the Philips 5400 Espresso series
Tutorial movie that explain how to descale the Philips 5400 Espresso series
How to descale the Philips 5400 Espresso series
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Obrnite se na Philips

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