Finely chop the garlic. Mix the olive oil and garlic to make garlic oil. Brush the rack of lamb with the oil and season with pepper & salt.
Preheat the Airfryer to 100°C.
Finely chop the nuts and place them into a bowl. Stir in the breadcrumbs and rosemary. Whisk the egg in another bowl.
To coat the lamb, dip the meat into the egg mixture, draining off any excess. Coat the lamb with the macadamia crust.
Put the coated lamb rack in the Airfryer basket and slide the basket into the Airfryer. Set the timer for 25 minutes. After 25 minutes, increase the temperature to 200°C and set the timer for another 5 minutes. Remove the meat and leave to rest, covered with aluminium foil, for 10 minutes before serving.
Nasvet kuharja: You can replace the macadamia nuts with pistachios, hazelnuts, cashews or almonds if desired.
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