Pour the water into the pan of the HomeCooker and set the temperature to 250°C. Add all of the stock ingredients, bring to the boil, reduce the temperature to 110°C, and set the timer for 20 minutes. During the last 7 minutes of cooking, lay the asparagus in the steaming basket, place on the HomeCooker, and cover with the lid
Meanwhile, clean the clams by soaking them in a bowl of salt water (after soaking for 10 minutes, discard salt water). Dredge the cod fillets in the flour, season with salt and pepper and set aside
Strain the fish stock and set aside. Measure out 500ml for cooking and reserve the remaining stock for another use. Carefully wipe out the pan with a clean, dry cloth
Set the temperature to 175°C for 3 minutes. Sit the Cutting Tower alongside the HomeCooker with the thick slicer in place and switch it on. Add the oil and run through the onion and garlic (or slice by hand); set the timer for 5 minutes. Add the white wine and parsley and cook for an additional 3 minutes
Pour the 500ml fish stock into the pan; bring to the boil, then carefully remove the stirrer attachment. Reduce the temperature to 110°C and add the floured cod fillets; set the timer for 4 minutes. Turn the fillets, add the clams, cover and set the timer for 4 minutes. Discard any clams that do not open
Garnish each plate with two halves of eggs and a few asparagus spears
Tip: Substitute haddock for the cod, or mussels for the clams. You can freeze any unused fish stock; it’ll keep in the freezer for months
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