2-3 tablespoons Limoncello (Italian lemon liqueur) or vodka
200 g cherries or raspberries
- baking tray covered with baking parchment
- food processor with whipper accessory
Postopek kuhanja
Clean the lemon and thinly grate half the zest. Pre-heat the oven to 125 ºC.
Place the whipper accessory in the food processor and beat the egg whites with ½ teaspoon salt until they’re almost stiff. Add the icing sugar in 3 portions and keep beating with the whipper until the egg whites have become stiff and shiny.
Divide the egg whites on the baking tray into 4 circles of about 2-cm high. Using the back of a spoon, make a small well in the middle of each circle, then bake the meringues for about 1 hour until they’re dry and hard on the outside.
Turn off the oven, leave the door partly open and let the meringues cool down completely. Carefully take the meringues off the baking tray and store them in an airtight container.
Beat the mascarpone until creamy and add the liqueur and lemon zest. Fill the meringues right before serving with the lemon mascarpone and garnish with the fruit.
TIPS: 1) To make sure there’s absolutely no grease in the bowl and on the whipper, rub them with a little salt or lemon juice. 2) Use a piping bag with a large, smooth mouthpiece to pipe the meringues onto the baking tray. 3) Replace the mascarpone with ricotta for a reduced-fat version. 4) You can store the meringues for up to 1 week if kept in an airtight container.
25 minutes preparation time (+ 1 hour in the oven)
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