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Operational Intelligence Insights

Explore original perspectives, industry topics and expert resources to help you navigate the landscape of clinical, financial and operational challenges and opportunities in healthcare today.

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Hospital Operations

Discover why and how Operational intelligence is transforming the future of hospital operations and how your healthcare system can benefit.

adressing the need and opportunities

Towards the virtualization of healthcare


Charting the growth of virtual care modes, new patient behaviors and the opportunity for out of hospital care.

adressing the need and opportunities

Innovating in diagnostics with new models of out of hospital care


Read how new urgency due to the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated change in all sectors, including healthcare. A focus on diagnostics innovation represents the fast start opportunity to structurally embed out of hospital care and enable a significant leap forward in patient-centric, future forward care.

adressing the need and opportunities

The responsible business of healthcare


This thought-provoking article explores how to create modern healthcare systems that are both fit for purpose and purpose-full, and how to innovatively balance the clinical with the commercial to deliver better care.

adressing the need and opportunities

Why strategic technology management is emerging as a key operational discipline in healthcare


In this insightful article Stephanie Holden, Director for Philips Services and Solutions UK&I offers her tips on how hospitals can partner to share the risks and rewards by creating a vendor neutral, strategic technology management plan.

healthcare growth mindset thumb

Unlocking the healthcare growth mindset


Explore if a positive mindset is the missing factor in achieving the Quadruple Aim in healthcare.

improve operational thumbnail

Fast track operational efficiencies and create trusted, strategic partnerships


Learn how an innovated approach to governance can influence and improve operational culture, fast track operational efficiencies and create trusted, strategic partnerships

Maintenance and Upgrades

Discover why and how Operational Intelligence is transforming the future of maintenance and upgrades and how your healthcare system can benefit.

Continuing Education

Discover why and how Operational Intelligence is transforming the future of healthcare education and how your healthcare system can benefit.


adressing the need and opportunities

The CFO as architect of healthcare value


How to innovate healthcare financing and the role of healthcare financiers in a VUCA world


The upside of an enterprise ‘as-a-Service’ approach for healthcare CFOs


Alternative purchasing model creates financial flexibility, more strategic spend, and value creation flywheel for continuous improvement

Philips healthcare services and solutions

adressing the need and opportunities

Supporting your enterprise operations to encourage better outcomes and low cost of care.​


We provide value at every step of the project lifecycle from planning and design, implementation, performance optimization, maximizing equipment uptime and ensuring that your systems are secure and up to date.


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