Philips AMI is building a future designed to foster better outcomes and improve patient and staff experiences while reducing costs over the full lifecycle of your equipment. Our promise has inspired us to partner with you to redefine the AMI experience with a new portfolio of solutions to help you improve patient care. There's no limit to what we can do together. Because today health knows no bounds, and neither should healthcare.
Delivering results that are fast, precise and connected.
Expand your capabilities and bring state-of-the-art performance to your system.
The value of digital PET/CT
Hear from peers on the changing PET/CT landscape and how digital PET/CT can help improve clinical care.
Improving speeds and effecting change with Vereos PET/CT
Learn how Michael V. Knopp, MD is using Vereos PET/CT, with proprietary digital photon counting detector technology, to achieve high-quality images at low doses and fast acquisition times.
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