Grow knowledge and satisfaction with education and training. We offer extensive personalized and continuous clinical, technical, operational and professional development education programs that are accessible anytime, anywhere. Let Philips help you define and deliver the learning and development activities you and your staff need for your combined success.
We provide:
Do you have an enrollment key? Access directly courses you’ve purchased.
Philips Education Services provides access anytime, anywhere to comprehensive education programs via a blended learning approach, embracing the latest in e-learning, data and analytics alongside behavioral insights to ensure knowledge retention and enjoyment. • People focused, supportive and long-term • Evidence-based and outcomes orientated • Reusable, modular and smart • Easy to implement and budget for via a Philips Services Clinical Excellence Agreement
Continuous staff development on budget. We want to make it easy to buy the education you need for yourself or your staff. That’s why we tailor the offering and payment models to your department or individual needs, from buying individual seats at a course or a day on-site, to full role and competency-based education programs and learning paths offered as part of a multi-year subscription.
To make education as standardized and possible to deploy as a full service model, we have also developed customizable multi-year education subscriptions that take care of all your ongoing education needs, on an individual, departmental and enterprise level.
“Ongoing education underpins the entire operational performance of a hospital: it keeps the workforce engaged and motivated and equips them with the knowledge, skills and mindset to do their important work; providing better, safer care to patients.”
Lorrie Turpin Manager Clinical Education Imaging Services Philips Healthcare Canada
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