With powerful tools and AI-based technology to help you practice on the leading edge of cardiovascular medicine, EPIQ CVx transcends today’s limitations to advance care for more patients in more ways. It helps ensure consistent image acquisition and interpretation across scans for standardized results for both routine and specialized imaging needs. EPIQ CVx also provides greater automation and collaboration, so you can save time, get real-time input and focus on your patients.
Designed to address the full spectrum of patient exams, Affiniti CVx delivers standardized results as you move across both routine and specialized procedures. Its AI-based technology combines with advanced tools to help you manage clinical complexities, and its efficient automation enhances workflow and reduces tedious tasks.
Philips Compact Ultrasound System 5500CV brings full functionality and first-scan answers to you, wherever you are. Offering a feature-rich core, a range of diagnostic quality solutions, enhanced cleanability and wireless connectivity and reporting.
Ultrasound Workspace is a cardiovascular viewing, analysis and reporting system built on the legacy of the TOMTEC-ARENA platform. With a consistent set of on- and off-cart AI-driven image analysis and quantification tools, access to archived legacy data and off-cart vendor neutral analysis capabilities, it allows clinicians to leverage seamless diagnostic workflows from the ultrasound exam room to the reporting room and beyond, wherever echocardiography data needs to be reviewed and analyzed.
Philips AI-based ultrasound solutions integrate into everyday clinical workflows and are designed to make it easier and faster for clinicians to acquire, select, measure and report accurate results.
1. Spampinato RA, et al. Quantification of regurgitation in mitral valve prolapse with automated real time echocardiographic 3D proximal isovelocity surface area: multimodality consistency and role of eccentricity index. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2021;37:1947-1959.
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