Providing remote monitoring solutions for military, EMS, and specialty markets including commercial and general aviation, maritime and EMI (energy, mining and infrastructure). These highly connected remote monitoring solutions contain hardware that is flexible enough to evolve with ever-changing demands of remote care to enable medical and non-medical experts to positively impact patient outcomes.
An advanced portable multi-parameter vital signs monitor with integrated telemedicine. Tempus IC2 allows trained non-medical users to manage medical emergencies in the air, at sea, and in remote locations. Along with built-in ease of use, the Tempus IC2 features clear visual guidance and automated data collection, helping users to feel confident in managing a medical emergency.
The Tempus Pro places the needs of the prehospital care professional at the heart of its design. Ground-breaking in functionality, it is light enough to carry and small enough to hold in one hand. Rugged, yet highly intuitive to operate, it can easily be deployed in a wide range of clinical scenarios, with advanced capabilities to allow clear, documented decision-making.
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