CT Lung Nodule analysis ClearRead CAD

Perform nodule search faster and detect previously missed actionable nodules

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Powered by Riverain’s ClearRead CT Vessel Suppress, offers deep-learning based detection capabilities for all nodules types including solid, part-solid and ground-glass. ​ ClearRead CAD provides adjunctive information to aid the radiologist in the detection of pulmonary nodules during review of CT examinations of the chest on an asymptomatic population, as well as in already diagnosed patients(2). It is not intended to be used without the original CT series.​Perform nodule search 26% faster, detect 29% of previously missed nodules(3).

  • ClearRead CT is a trademark of Riverain Technologies inc. These functionalities may not be available in all territories. Please contact your Philips representative for more details. Please note that there are two CAD options available for LNA application, depending on different territories​ (2) Intended population for ClearRead CAD differs in different markets. Please contact your Philips representative for more details.​ (3) ShihChung et al. AJR 2018; 210:480-488.

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