Smart Quant Neuro

MR Clinical Applications

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Smart Quant Neuro, a combination of AI reconstruction technology and quantitative MR, is designed to allow you to perform fast and high-quality MR imaging of Neuro with a single quantification scan to increase your diagnostic confidence.

Synthetic MR imaging
Synthetic MR imaging

Synthetic MR imaging

SyntAc allows you to perform MR imaging with a single quantification scan. The acquisition time can be decreased thanks to compatibility with Philips SmartSpeed acceleration technology. The resulting data can be used as input for advanced third-party processing software to synthesize MR images with different contrasts, brain parenchyma fraction maps and/or brain segmentation maps.

Synthetic MR imaging

Synthetic MR imaging
SyntAc allows you to perform MR imaging with a single quantification scan. The acquisition time can be decreased thanks to compatibility with Philips SmartSpeed acceleration technology. The resulting data can be used as input for advanced third-party processing software to synthesize MR images with different contrasts, brain parenchyma fraction maps and/or brain segmentation maps.

Synthetic MR imaging

SyntAc allows you to perform MR imaging with a single quantification scan. The acquisition time can be decreased thanks to compatibility with Philips SmartSpeed acceleration technology. The resulting data can be used as input for advanced third-party processing software to synthesize MR images with different contrasts, brain parenchyma fraction maps and/or brain segmentation maps.
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Synthetic MR imaging
Synthetic MR imaging

Synthetic MR imaging

SyntAc allows you to perform MR imaging with a single quantification scan. The acquisition time can be decreased thanks to compatibility with Philips SmartSpeed acceleration technology. The resulting data can be used as input for advanced third-party processing software to synthesize MR images with different contrasts, brain parenchyma fraction maps and/or brain segmentation maps.
Speed without Compromise
Speed without Compromise video

Speed without Compromise

Philips SmartSpeed delivers image quality and speed without compromise via award-winning AI technology¹ and a state-of-the-art Compressed SENSE speed engine. It increases imaging speed by up to a factor of 3², provides up to 65% greater resolution² to deliver outstanding image quality, and is compatible with 97% of clinical protocols³. It covers motion imaging, imaging near implants, free-breathing imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging to address the needs of a broad range of patients in various conditions.

Speed without Compromise

Speed without Compromise video

Philips SmartSpeed delivers image quality and speed without compromise via award-winning AI technology¹ and a state-of-the-art Compressed SENSE speed engine. It increases imaging speed by up to a factor of 3², provides up to 65% greater resolution² to deliver outstanding image quality, and is compatible with 97% of clinical protocols³. It covers motion imaging, imaging near implants, free-breathing imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging to address the needs of a broad range of patients in various conditions.

Speed without Compromise

Philips SmartSpeed delivers image quality and speed without compromise via award-winning AI technology¹ and a state-of-the-art Compressed SENSE speed engine. It increases imaging speed by up to a factor of 3², provides up to 65% greater resolution² to deliver outstanding image quality, and is compatible with 97% of clinical protocols³. It covers motion imaging, imaging near implants, free-breathing imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging to address the needs of a broad range of patients in various conditions.
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Speed without Compromise
Speed without Compromise video

Speed without Compromise

Philips SmartSpeed delivers image quality and speed without compromise via award-winning AI technology¹ and a state-of-the-art Compressed SENSE speed engine. It increases imaging speed by up to a factor of 3², provides up to 65% greater resolution² to deliver outstanding image quality, and is compatible with 97% of clinical protocols³. It covers motion imaging, imaging near implants, free-breathing imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging to address the needs of a broad range of patients in various conditions.
  • Synthetic MR imaging
  • Speed without Compromise
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Synthetic MR imaging
Synthetic MR imaging

Synthetic MR imaging

SyntAc allows you to perform MR imaging with a single quantification scan. The acquisition time can be decreased thanks to compatibility with Philips SmartSpeed acceleration technology. The resulting data can be used as input for advanced third-party processing software to synthesize MR images with different contrasts, brain parenchyma fraction maps and/or brain segmentation maps.

Synthetic MR imaging

Synthetic MR imaging
SyntAc allows you to perform MR imaging with a single quantification scan. The acquisition time can be decreased thanks to compatibility with Philips SmartSpeed acceleration technology. The resulting data can be used as input for advanced third-party processing software to synthesize MR images with different contrasts, brain parenchyma fraction maps and/or brain segmentation maps.

Synthetic MR imaging

SyntAc allows you to perform MR imaging with a single quantification scan. The acquisition time can be decreased thanks to compatibility with Philips SmartSpeed acceleration technology. The resulting data can be used as input for advanced third-party processing software to synthesize MR images with different contrasts, brain parenchyma fraction maps and/or brain segmentation maps.
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Synthetic MR imaging
Synthetic MR imaging

Synthetic MR imaging

SyntAc allows you to perform MR imaging with a single quantification scan. The acquisition time can be decreased thanks to compatibility with Philips SmartSpeed acceleration technology. The resulting data can be used as input for advanced third-party processing software to synthesize MR images with different contrasts, brain parenchyma fraction maps and/or brain segmentation maps.
Speed without Compromise
Speed without Compromise video

Speed without Compromise

Philips SmartSpeed delivers image quality and speed without compromise via award-winning AI technology¹ and a state-of-the-art Compressed SENSE speed engine. It increases imaging speed by up to a factor of 3², provides up to 65% greater resolution² to deliver outstanding image quality, and is compatible with 97% of clinical protocols³. It covers motion imaging, imaging near implants, free-breathing imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging to address the needs of a broad range of patients in various conditions.

Speed without Compromise

Speed without Compromise video

Philips SmartSpeed delivers image quality and speed without compromise via award-winning AI technology¹ and a state-of-the-art Compressed SENSE speed engine. It increases imaging speed by up to a factor of 3², provides up to 65% greater resolution² to deliver outstanding image quality, and is compatible with 97% of clinical protocols³. It covers motion imaging, imaging near implants, free-breathing imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging to address the needs of a broad range of patients in various conditions.

Speed without Compromise

Philips SmartSpeed delivers image quality and speed without compromise via award-winning AI technology¹ and a state-of-the-art Compressed SENSE speed engine. It increases imaging speed by up to a factor of 3², provides up to 65% greater resolution² to deliver outstanding image quality, and is compatible with 97% of clinical protocols³. It covers motion imaging, imaging near implants, free-breathing imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging to address the needs of a broad range of patients in various conditions.
Click here for more information
Speed without Compromise
Speed without Compromise video

Speed without Compromise

Philips SmartSpeed delivers image quality and speed without compromise via award-winning AI technology¹ and a state-of-the-art Compressed SENSE speed engine. It increases imaging speed by up to a factor of 3², provides up to 65% greater resolution² to deliver outstanding image quality, and is compatible with 97% of clinical protocols³. It covers motion imaging, imaging near implants, free-breathing imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging to address the needs of a broad range of patients in various conditions.
  • 1 Adaptive-C-SENSE technology used by SmartSpeed won the Fast MRI Challenge hosted by Facebook and New York Langone Health in 2019.
  • 2 Compared to Philips SENSE.
  • 3 On average, measured across a sample of sited from Philips MR Installed Base.
  • 4 SyMRI NEURO, Synthetic MR, AB, Sweden.

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