Compressed SENSE - Breast

MR Clinical Applications

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Compressed SENSE is a break-through acceleration technique speeding up not only sequences but your entire exam. This new paradigm in productivity requires a unique implementation, enabling 2D and 3D scans to be up to 50% faster with virtually equal image quality¹. Compressed SENSE can be used in all anatomical contrasts and all anatomies.

On-demand webinar:

Compressed SENSE

casselman image

Jan W. Casselman, MD, PhD

Chair of the Department of Radiology

A.Z. Sint-Jan Hospital, Bruges, Belgius

Head & Neck "consultant radiologist"

A.Z. Sint Augustinus Hospital, Antwerp, Belgium

Up to 50% faster MR exams,

so you can spend your time wisely¹

Up to 50% faster MR exams,

so you can spend your time wisely¹

  • 1 Compared to scans without Compressed SENSE

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