By Philips Featuring Jason C Woods, PhD and Yi Xia, Philips | April, 2024 | 18:35 min
[01:30] ∙ Functional imaging with Xenon [05:00] ∙ Fast imaging’s significant advantage in pediatrics [07:35] ∙ Xenon Gas Exchange MRI [12:04] ∙ Q&A
Join Dr. Jason C Woods in this webinar to learn how to tap into the potential of multinuclear imaging with Xenon and how Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Philips have teamed up to explore this groundbreaking opportunity for pulmonary MRI to get high image resolution in both structural and functional imaging.
“Hyperpolarized Xenon can regionally quantify ventilation, alveolar airspace size, gas exchange parameters. Combining structure and function is powerful.”
Director of Research Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Director of Research, Pulmonary Medicine,
Cincinnati Children's Hospital,
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Business Marketing Manager,
Clinical & Key Customer Relationships, Philips
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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