In the Hybrid OR we offer market-leading 2D and 3D image guidance, stringent infection control and X-ray dose management, allowing clinical teams to leverage clinical capabilities easily and intuitively. The various Clinical suites offer a flexible portfolio of integrated technologies, devices and services across surgical specialties, including cardiac, vascular, lung, neuro and spine procedures. Gain full freedom for multidisciplinary teams to work in their preferred positions with the unique ceiling-mounted FlexArm and gantry options.
The multi-purpose hybrid OR brings all clinical areas together. Set up procedure based workflows and broaden lab utilization, with the Philips Azurion 7 M20 FlexArm configuration. Benefit from reduced table repositioning, easy radial access, improved ergonomics and intelligent motion control so you can easily approach a patient during treatment.
1. Azurion simulation study, 4522 991 28911 * JUL 2017. Study results were evaluated with clinical users in a simulated lab environment and supervised by Use-Lab GmbH, an independent usability engineering consultancy and user interface design company. 2. FlexArm simulation study, 4522 991 40161 * JAN 2019. Study results were evaluated and supervised by Use-Lab GmbH, an independent usability engineering consultancy and user interface design company.
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