White paper ∙ By Philips Healthcare ∙ 2019 ∙ 3 min read
30% reduction in table repositioning during interventional procedures with Philips FlexArm geometry – an independently verified study.
White paper
Staff experience is paramount in improving patient outcomes for complex interventional procedures. The collaborative study by Philips and Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute (MCVI) evaluates the impact that FlexArm's imaging flexibility and positioning freedom has on interventional radiologists, cardiologists and vascular sugeons in a range of diverse procedures, whilst maintaining and delivering exceptional patient care.
FlexArm enables us to dramatically optimize procedures around the patient: we can get the optimal view of what’s going on inside the patient without encumbering all of the clinicians that are working around the table. The result is an innovation that’s not only clinically important but also very simple and intuitive to use – a critical factor in the heat of a complex procedure.
Barry T. Katzen, MD, Founder and Executive Medical Director
Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute Baptist Hospital, Miami, USA
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