Our success stories

Read our other success stories on how we have partnered and co-created with healthcare organization like yours to adapt, grow and transform in the constantly changing healthcare landscape. 

Explore our strategic partnerships creating successful outcomes

Wye valley


Partnering with Wye Valley NHS Trust to increase diagnostic imaging capacity, improve productivity, support staff, and deliver high-quality patient experience.

Cardiovascular ultrasound managed service


Partnering on innovation in Cardiovascular Ultrasound at the Trust.

Collaborative success


Building a world-leading imaging offer supported by a ground-breaking SPCCT research collaboration and the development of an AI-based CT Covid-19 assessment.

Munchen klinik


Modernization through 8-year partnership provides München Klinik with the latest innovations in imaging.

Reiner de graaf


15-year partnership provides Reinier de Graaf with latest innovations in imaging.

Country leeds


Partnering with Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust to drive excellence across cardiac care.

Mackenzie health


Partner to equip the smart hospital of the future at Mackenzie Health, Canada.

Marin general hospital


Partnering  to achieve clinical operational excellence at Marin General Hospital, Greenbrae, US.

Partnering diagnostic imaging


Partnering with County Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trust to deliver excellence in diagnostic imaging.​

Royal victoria


A flexible partnership for sustained provision of services at Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast.

Wmc health


Improving clinical process performance at Westchester Medical Center Health Network (WMC Health) New York, USA.

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