October 30, 2021 by Philips Healthcare Reading time: 1-3 min
In this edition of Conversations with healthcare leaders, David Higginson, Executive Vice President, Chief Innovation Officer at Phoenix Children’s, talks about how a strategic partnership with Philips has helped the healthcare provider gain a huge strategic and business advantage. Access to first-of-kind equipment, having input in the way products are developed, and getting ahead of the marketplace are some of the key benefits the partnership has provided.
...Strategic partnerships are exceptionally important for us because we can't do it all ourselves."
David Higginson
Executive Vice President, Chief Innovation Officer, Phoenix Children's, USA
Phoenix Children’s is Arizona’s premier hospital for family-centered, pediatric care for patients with complex needs. Recognized by U.S. News & World Report’s Best Children’s Hospitals with rankings in all ten specialties, Phoenix Children's provides world-class inpatient, outpatient, trauma, emergency and urgent care to children and families in Arizona and throughout the Southwest.
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