CIRSE 2024


Enhance your treatment options for below the knee disease

The Phoenix® Atherectomy System is a unique and easy to use front-cutting technology that continuously cuts, captures and clears debulked material with just one catheter insertion. The design of the Phoenix cutter head allows debulked material to be continuously captured. This capture resulted in a 1% rate of symptomatic distal emboli in the EASE trial1 and reduces reliance on patient’s microvascular system to flush out particles showered downstream.

This system is available in sizes to treat BTK arteries, and with a deflecting-tip catheter designed for larger arteries.

The Phoenix Atherectomy System works seamlessly with Philips Volcano IVUS technology, which offers additional insights to decide, guide and confirm treatment in venous and arterial disease.

1Endovascular Atherectomy Safety and Effectiveness Study (EASE), Identifier NCT01541774 (accessed 23Oct2015). Results presented at the Vascular Interventional Advances (VIVA) Conference in October of 2013 (Las Vegas, NV) by Stephen Williams, MD.

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